Oh Baby, The places you'll go!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Baby's first book arrived today, along with the rest of the "announcement" props I ordered! Before I even got pregnant, I already knew how I wanted to announce it-- adventure/travel themed. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is 'Oh! The places you'll go!" and I definitely wanted to incorporate it when we got pregnant! Throughout my student teaching, that was the book I would always read to my students (I did the primary level)! I will be taking the pictures today and we will be announcing it sometime this weekend or next week! We can't wait!!!

I also had brunch with a good photographer friend of mine, Sarah (of Sarah Nolan Photography ;])! I hadn't seen her in a month and wanted to tell her in person because her and I were going through the same thing (minus the loss), but we were going through medical experiences together with trying to figure out why we were taking so long to conceive! We both shared amazing news with each other and I am so stoked that I finally got to share the news with her! Today has been an eventful day! :)


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