Happy One Month to our wild child!

Monday, January 25, 2016

So like all my other posts lately, this is a tad late. But! Better late than never! Ha!

Do we really have a one month old now? Is this the time I stop counting by weeks and go by months? Jk! But I cant believe how quickly that month flew by. Having the holidays right after his birth date and family and friends visiting might have helped with how fast it went by. He's almost outgrowing his newborn clothes and it nearly broke my heart because I no longer have a newborn. 

One of the t-shirt made by his Auntsy Jane!

He has definitely gained some weight since that initial doctors appointment, which I was surprised to find out because I didn't think he was getting that much milk from me!  Anyway, Ill just do bullets of some updates for his first month:

  • Weighs 9 lbs, not sure how tall he is, they didnt give us that info. 
  • He used to like bath time during the first 2 weeks, and the past few weeks he'd just fuss and cry, so have to do it quick now. Hopefully he learns to like it again. 
  • Fusses and cries most of the day. We think he might be colic because he has most of the symptoms of a colic baby. Im going to have to confirm that at his next wellness appointment.
  • Started smiling in his sleep at 2.5 weeks old. My heart melted when I first noticed it. 
  • Making cooing noises as well as giggle sounds (atleast thats what we think it is)
  • Loves to play first thing in the morning after or during a diaper change. I'll let him lay on his playmat and interact with him and watch him smile away at me. This goes on for at least 15 minutes before he starts to fuss again. 
  • He responds to noises and our voices by smiling back or cooing. 
  • Still breastfed full-time, although this may change soon and I may start supplementing. I have been having trouble (or atleast I think I am). I'm still contemplating what I want to do with this issue. I'll talk about breast feeding  journey in another post. 
  • Still dislikes being swaddled
  • Sleeps 2-3 hours straight before waking up for feeding. He did let us sleep for 4 hours straight one time and boy was it amazing! 
  • Nursing kisses I do adore! To find out if he's crying because he's hungry, I would usually put my face near his cheeks and if he turns to try and eat my cheeks, thast how we know he's hungry. I love it. We call it the "open mouth nursing kisses."
  • Has started to stay on his back a lot more vs. rolling over to his side
  • Leg shaking constantly due to immature nerve system, which I was told by his pediatrician, that it was totally normal, as long as it stops as soon as you hold his legs down. 
  • Now fits into 0-3 month clothing
  • Spent his first Christmas at home with my family and he got tons of gifts, which was also his first visit to church :)
  • First out of town trip was on New Years Day at Richmond, Va. Then Washington, DC the following day. 
  • First Snowfall on January 5, 2016! :)
  • Loves car rides! He likes being out. We started taking him out around town after his first pediatrics appointment. Taking him to places is a struggle most times because he screams and cries all the time, and like any other person, we don't like the attention it brings to us! But we've learned to just say "F it!"
  • Loves watching TV! We think he's gonna be a little performer because when my sister was watching some kids dance show and we put the laptop next to him he turned to face the laptop and stopped crying and just watched. When the video stopped he cried. It was so cute!
  • Dada started putting him on his belly at around 2.5 weeks old for "belly" time. He has a strong neck and his doctor said we can start introducing belly time with him. We usually have him on his belly for a short period of time after burping cuz he falls asleep in that position on our chest, so we just leave him. 
Quick family photos after church on Christmas Day! 
Tristan's first out of town trip (New Years Day) @ Maymont Mansion - Richmond, Va
T at 2 weeks old at the Norfolk Art District.
This first month has been a month of tests, trial and error and seeing what works and doesnt. I learned that you've got to be flexible when it comes to parenting, because all of your 'game plans' that you made pre-birth, most of the time, goes out the door. Like "No pacifier until after a few weeks!" That definitely didnt go according to plan because we gave him is binky at 3 days old! If you want your sanity, the binky helps with that! He likes to suck on things, so it helps soothes him when he cries and fusses! We're still trying to figure out what he likes. We noticed that he only likes being on his Mamaroo swing when he's asleep and hates it when he's awake. I hope he learns to like it eventually! As I've mentioned from my previous post, we have yet to establish a routine, but we will as soon as everyone is gone. 

I wont lie and say Tristan is an easy, happy go lucky baby, because he's not (at least not all the time). Most of the time he's crying, screaming or fussing. And there are times when I get frustrated because I cant seem to calm him. Im constantly nursing him every hour just to soothe him. He's a gassy baby too, which sucks because I cant help him with the pain. I rub his belly and do bicycles with his legs to help spread the gas around and help him pass gas, but he still cries. And some days, I cry with him. Yes, I have yet to get my hormones in check.


We celebrated his one month a day early because his dada had duty on the actual day. I had my inlaw watch him for a bit while I headed out to grab ingredients for dinner and got a mango cake to ring in his one month. I just made Filipino Spaghetti and some lumpia for dinner. He could have cared less for it, but we wanted to do something small every month just to celebrate up until his first birthday. Im sure we aren't the only parents that do this! 

'And they made him KING of all WILD THINGS!' 
We didnt get a chance to do "newborn" photos, but these quick snaps will do!

Im looking forward for the next month to see how much growth and changes have happened. THis first month alone already had so many changes. Every time I look down at him, it feels like he just keeps getting bigger and bigger right before my eyes. He's not this tiny almost 7 lbs baby boy anymore and I can definitely feel it on my arms when I carry him! He's also slowly starting to show his features a little more. Everyone says he looks like his father, only a handful have said he looked like me. Oh well! Im sure he's got a little bit of both of us in him. :) They say the first few months is the toughest, so I'm gonna hold on tight and enjoy the ride as best as I can. Im also going to take advantage of the last few weeks I'll have some help around the house, because before I  know it, I'll be on my own every three days. John's schedule suddenly changed up on us and I was so bummed and upset, but theres nothing I can do about it but to accept it and keep going.


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