The First Look!

Friday, May 08, 2015

Today was our first doctors appointment! I swear the wait felt like forever, but it was only 3.5 weeks! I had a lot of different emotions to the days leading to today. I was excited, anxious and nervous. Surprisingly, I was able to get a good amount of sleep because I thought I wouldn't be able to with all the emotions I was feeling yesterday. I was nervous because our first ultrasound with our first pregnancy traumatized me a bit and I just couldn't bare to go through that experience again, but I knew I had to stay positive and keep myself preoccupied so that I don't think about it. So what I did to keep me busy all morning was re-organize my side of the closet and pull out clothes I no longer used. It helped because before I knew it John was home at 11:45am. He walked in when I was prepping for lunch. I hopped in the shower not too long after and got ready. I had to rush John because it was already 12:50 by the time he got out of the shower and our appointment was 1:30pm. I was getting a little irritated. We finally headed out at 1:10 so I had to call the office to tell them we were running about 5 minutes late. 

The entire car drive there I had butterflies in my stomach. I kept thinking 'this it it' we finally get to see baby! We decided to go with the ob/gyn that was further because of the hospital they delivered at. It was a toss up between Sentara Leigh and Princess Anne. I heard a lot of good things from both, but we went with Princess Anne because the birthing room and recovery room was big enough to comfortably accommodate me, baby and John.  We originally said if we ever got pregnant that Id deliver at Chesapeake Regional Hospital since its close, but the rooms were tiny that most reviews I read said they had to send their husbands home to sleep because they only got a chair and there wasn't even enough room for them to lay it out, and I definitely want John to stay with me the entire time. We also wanted a big room because my family (& possibly his) will be visiting and Im sure they'll be hanging out in the room during visiting hours and I wouldn't want to be cramped up. Princess Anne is the newest hospital built in Va Beach, and Ive been hearing good things about the labor and delivery. I've also heard good reviews for Va Beach OB/GYN so we went ahead and scheduled with them. 

Once we got there, we were asked to fill out paperworks and then headed to the Ultra Sound office down the hall. Those 15 minutes of waiting felt like an eternity. The u/s tech led us to the first room and I laid down on the bed while John sat on the chair. The room had a flat screen tv hanging on the wall directly in front of me so we didn't have to look at the little monitor. I asked her if I had to take anything off because with our first pregnancy, it was transvaginal. She said no and I was confused until she started rubbing the gel on my tummy. This experience was already different from the first. The gel was super warm and it felt good! She got started and searched for baby. I was so nervous and then there it was, the baby! I was so happy to see it! She did a few measurements and recorded different angles before searching for the heartbeat. That was when I held my breathe for a second and froze. Then there it was, we saw little quick flutters on the screen and I exhaled and cried. Tears wouldn't stop going down. I didn't get to see Johns reaction because I was stuck on the screen. I told John to record as soon as we saw the heartbeat, but he didn't get to because he was just as excited as I was that it both slipped our mind. She measured the heart beat at 166 bpm. I was so ecstatic to find out it was a healthy and good heartbeat! The baby was measuring at 7w 4d rather than 8w 3d, which I had expected because I knew I ovulated late (I have a 31 day cycle). As of now my EDD (Estimated Due Date) is 12/21/15. The doctor is thinking between 12/15-12/22. We're definitely receiving the best Christmas gift ever and I cannot wait!

After the ultrasound we met with our doctor and she went over a lot of things in the packet. It was a lot of info to take in, but she said they go over it at every appointment. I did a pelvic exam and blood work and we were done. It still feels surreal that I actually got to take home our very first ultrasound pictures! I can't stop looking at it. Theres a little miracle growing inside of me and I am truly happy and excited for the future. The good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty sides of pregnancy. I'm ready to take on this challenge. Ive waited for what felt like forever for this day to come and I wouldn't wish it any other way. There's going to be a few sacrifices on my part, but Im ready. Today has definitely been an eventful day! I cannot wait for our next appointment in June! :)

This basically sums exactly how I felt when we saw our little munchkin. This is going to be our greatest adventure yet!


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