Farewell, August!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Hopefully, that also means farewell 90 degree weather!! Ugh! I can almost smell the crisp autumn air! Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons! One of them being John's birthday! :) It just makes me so happy! Are we really in the 'ber' months already? My goodness! I feel like every year just goes by quicker and quicker. I'm excited in a way, because that means in just a few months, our babylove will be here! I'm also dreading the month because John's work schedule is going to be hectic! He's actually been away all week and doesn't get back til Friday. ;( But hey, its mid week already! Im surviving! Its been two years since he's had a crazy schedule and I got a little spoiled having him home so much! I'm just grateful he doesnt have to be gone for a long period of time though! I'd be a wreck, especially during this pregnancy, with the hormones and all. I've gotten more emotional and attached to John! I've been keeping my self occupied with the sewing and baby stuff that it has actually helped speed time up. I've also done some laundry, cleaning, and hanging with friends that by the end of the day I am exhausted. Thats why I haven't been able to read my book at night! 

I got to hang out with a photographer friend of mine earlier. We're both pregnant and is 2 weeks apart. We had lunch and headed to a baby consignment store! $1.00 onesies for the win! Afterwards, an old neighbor of ours, Cindy, came to visit with her two adorable little girls! She even brought a gift for baby H! People love gifting us with photography/travel related things for baby, its so darn cute!! Anyway, I should start getting ready for bed. I am so tired! Up there is a picture of my two adorable visitors!! Melah is rockin' that bibdana I made her! She's my little model! So darn cute! I hope some day in the future, we have a girl! :]


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