Project Nursery: Baby H's Crib!

Friday, September 11, 2015


Ah!! The crib and mattress is here!!! It was delivered yesterday! My parents we're kind enough to order and have it delivered to us! Swear they're gonna end up getting majority of things off our registry!! I was so excited when I heard the doorbell and two big boxes was waiting at the door! Of course I had to wait for my strong husband to get home to get it inside! He carried that thing up the stairs like a boss! Do you even lift bro? ;p Prior to the crib arriving, I finished off the 2 mattress sheets and skirt, I also changed the changing pad cover. Sow now it looks likes I ordered a set, but not really. Ha! I'll probably do a separate post on those. Sigh. I just haven't been in the mood to blog lately! 


This is what I came back to after I showered. Pax was guarding the door, that or he was waiting for me to come back. It only took John about 45 minutes to set up, I told him to slow down so that I can take a quick shower and I didn't want to miss the set up! Haha! 

I changed my mind so much on what crib we were going to add to the registry! When I was first looking at cribs, I was looking for simple and sleek and not the fancy looking or the sleigh ones. I first added the Babyletto Hudson ($379) from Target because that was the one that I saw on most of the inspirations nursery I've been following, then I stumbled upon the Child Craft SOHO ($349) from Buy Buy Baby and liked it immediately! It was a plus that it was a 4-in-1 and a bit cheaper than the Babyletto, so I took off the Hudson and added the Soho. However, one morning I was scrolling through one of the pregnancy hashtags I use on instagram and came across an instagramer who posted a picture of their crib and I had to ask because it matched perfectly with the dresser we repurposed! Come to find out, it was a crib from! I didn't even think about checking Walmart! As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it, so of course I replaced the one with had on our registry with this one, Baby Mod Marley ($249) from! Who knew Wal-mart would have such a mid-century modern item like this! It was significantly cheaper than the other two, but its just as sturdy and feels well built! It had a lot of good reviews. Of course I read reviews about every product we add or buy. The only downfall is that it doesn't come with the Toddler rails because its a new model, but they have them available to buy separately now. The mattress we went with is the Sealy Ortho Rest. I hope Baby H likes it! I still can't believe we have a crib in the house!! Is this even real? 

I'll do the full reveal when the nursery is ready. Right now, it'll just be sneak peeks. :)

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