37 Weeks: Homestretch!!

Sunday, December 06, 2015

37 Weeks, 3 days. 
We are officially in the homestretch!!! Tomorrow, we will hit week 38! Earlier this week I was told that I may have to be induced if my lab results are out of the norm. When the doctor said that, it kind of threw me off because I wasn't expecting to hear the word "induced" 'til the very end of my pregnancy, but now that the possibility of him being here a lot sooner than I thought has given me all these different kinds of emotions. Ive kind of been out of it the past few days as I've tried to tackle down things that still need to get done around the house, getting my Mom to fly in sooner, and getting a Plan B in tact! I am excited, anxious and nervous all at the same time... and extremely emotional. The other day, I took a nap and woke up feeling off. John was teasing me about something and I just started hysterically crying. It freaked him out a bit that he ran over to me and started hugging me. I think it was over not eating much for lunch. After hopping in the shower, I felt much better. Which was extremely weird. All these emotions is unleashing all at once and I cant control them. 

We quickly took some bump pictures after finding out that I might have to be induced. These pictures could be the last bump pictures we take and it really saddened me. Ive grown so attached to my belly, to baby H being in my belly, where I can feel him at all times. Just me. I know it sounds so selfish, but I'm going to miss him being all mine, but I know John has to share in the moment too, so ready or not, this baby may make his appearance soon and Ive just gotta learn to let go. Good lawd! I can only imagine how I'll be once he is actually out. I feel it, Im gonna be a wreck the first few days: emotionally, mentally, and physically. But there is nothing in this world that Id want more for Christmas than to be able to hold him, and give John the chance to finally love on his son and bond with him the way I have these past 9 months. My only hope for the future is to be the best parent that his little guy needs me (us)  to be. I know its not going to be a perfect journey, but as long as we're a team, we'll make things work. We have the best support system to guide us along the way. This may be it. So just incase, I'd like to bid my big 'ol belly good riddance and farewell. This journey to parenthood has been a life changing experience and I know that the real adventure is just about to begin. Its the beginning of the rest of our lives with this little one. 


Dear Baby H,

I just want you to know that I never knew I could fall in love with someone Ive never met, but you have done it son. You've captured my heart and my entire being before even laying my eyes on you. Just know that no matter what obstacles we may face along the way, that I will always and forever be your number one fan and will support you in every way possible. Don't be deceived by the evilness of the world that the media often puts out, there is more to it. Your dad and I can only hope that you get the love of traveling and to explore as much as you can. No material thing can ever compare to the experiences you get when you travel and explore. Don't be afraid to be yourself and never ever compare your life to anyone else's. 

If there is one person that you can look up to, it is your father. He is an amazing human being, and handsome as heck too! ;] He loves without conditions and works hard to provide for us. And in the future, if we ever butt heads, fight, argue, and give you lectures, just know were not doing it because we're being mean. It is because we want you to grow up a decent person, having respect for every person around you. Always remember that we are your parents first, but we will also be your best friends. So don't ever be afraid to come to us for any advice. We're going to do the best we can to provide you with all you'll need in life. We can't promise to buy everything you want, but we'll give you all the love. 

See you soon little man, we can't wait to take on this new role as parents and start this new adventure with you. I love you!



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