Project Nursery: Closet/Drawer Organization!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The nursery is ninety percent done, but we aren't quite ready to reveal the entire nursery just yet, so I figured I'd share a little drawer and closet organization! This was definitely a work in progress as well, as we were still building his wardrobe and baby item collection! I also wanted to wait to finish it off 'til after the baby-shower to see what we get and didn't get! Oh! & I had to wait for my sister to ship me the other pack of Skubb Drawer Organizer from Ikea. We had gotten one pack the last time we went up north, but with trips being cancelled, we just didnt have time to drive 2-3 hours to Ikea. So I had my sister mail me a pack! Haha! But we have majority of the things he'll need and we'll just buy everything else along the way. Im pretty sure were set for his arrival at this point. 


As I've mentioned, we used two packs of the Skubb Drawer Organizers from Ikea to keep his drawers nice and tidy. We'll see how long this'll last when he's actually born! Im an organized freak and can't stand when things are out of whack! John's the opposite though, and if it was up to him, it'd just sit in the drawers without the organizers. Lol! I'll start off with Box 1 and go from there on what is inside the drawers. When I was first organizing I was searching for different ways to do it, but it really depends on the amount of drawers you have and what you think will be an easy access is for you. This was my way of organizing it, of course its not the only way. Just an idea which Im hoping will work for us. 

The top of the dresser consist of the 'baby changing station' which has the Changing Pad and next to it are the baby go to's: Babyganics Lotion & Sanitizer, Burts Bee's Baby Powder, Vaseline, Aveeno Diaper Rash Cream, Honest Co. Breathe easy, Honest Co. Wipes & Diapers, and a mason jar filled with cotton balls and baby cotton swabs. 

Next to the dresser on the left is a Diaper Champ. We ended up with this one vs the Diaper Genie because there are no special bags for it and we can use any bags, but it still locks away odor. Im sure it wont keep 100% of the odor out, and we plan on throwing the trash out every morning, depending on how full it is. The right side of the dresser is a toy bin, which at this point, is still empty. But I'm sure we will be filling that up as we go!

Box 1 - Wipes, Diapers, Changing Pad Mat, Washcloths, Grooming and Health Essentials, Pacifiers, (DIY) Paci Clips, Paci Wipes and teething bead necklace

Box 2 - Scratch Mittens, Hats & Beanies, Bibs & (DIY) Bibdanas, (DIY) Burp cloths

Box 3 - Socks, booties, Sleepwears and nightgowns

Box 4 - Onesie drawer - this is separated by shortsleeves (nb & 0-3 in one bin), longsleeves (nb), and the big bin has longsleeves (0-3, 3-6)

Box 5 - Towels, Bathrobes, Receiving Blankets, Crib Mattress Covers, Changing Pad Cover

Box 6 - Bottoms: Pants, Denims/Jeans and leggings (NB - 6 Months) are in the bin. I still have to buy him more leggings. 


Now to the closet! We had the closet done at week 20 and have just been slowly filling it up. Most of his clothes are gifts from family and friends, and some I buy at second hand stores like Once Upon a Child and Rock-a-bye Baby. Every now and then, I'll head to Carters or Target when they have a good sale and buy some clothes for him. His closet is organized by winter outfits on the left and then by size on the right. I made the size dividers to separate his clothes by sizes, to make it easier to just grab and go. I was going to purchase them at Babies R Us, but after looking at it and the price, I said I'd just make it myself. It was a very simple diy project. The laundry basket is also in the closet, and packs of diapers and wipes! The rest of the baby stuff we received are up in the guest-room because there was no room for them in the nursery. 

The middle is organized by bins that I bought at Walmart. I believe they were $5 and some change, I cant remember. John originally wanted to do woven baskets but those things are pricey!! We even checked at Ikea for bins, but ended up with Walmart ones because they were cheapest and it fit perfectly! I just added the little tags to them to label whats inside. 

The top bin consist of the "too big" clothes. I didn't want to hang all of them now because I've only washed up to 3 months and some 6-9 months. The second bin is still empty, as I am still trying to figure out what should go in there. I am thinking all of his 'accessories' like hats and bow-ties and suspenders, etc. 

The second to the last bin stores the DIY Multi-Purpose Nursing Covers I made, Boppy pillow cases, Happy Wrap, and eventually the Ergo will go in there as well. So I guess its the 'on-the-go' necessities. 

The last bin consist of "Misc/Extras" like bath gift sets, small rattles, breast pads, etc. I can't remember what I dumped in there! I'll be reorganizing that bin but as of now thats what it is hiding! lol! As I always say, these can definitely change as we figure out what works for us. But as of now, this is what I have prepared. I cant guarantee it'll stay this organized, but its a start! 


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