34 Week Ultrasound & Holiday Decorations!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

We were going to skip out on another 3d/4d Ultrasound because they were all too pricey here, but after a friend told us about the place she went to, we couldn't resist but book one! We went last Friday when I was 34 Weeks and 4 days. I was a little nervous at first because I knew he was probably going to be so squished and was afraid that we werent going to get any good images of him! But I am so glad we went because we got to see a sneak peek of how Baby H is progressing and who he'll possibly look like!! Little one gave us a hard time at first because he was sleeping and his arms was covering his face and for almost 5 minutes he didn't want to move it! I, and the Ultrasound Tech, had to wiggle him around to get him to put his arm down. He eventually did, and boy oh boy, as soon as I saw his chubby cheeks and squishy face, I teared. It still amazes me that there's life growing inside of me and that this little one is ours to love for the rest of our lives! It made me even more excited to finally meet him! The session took about 25 minutes and at the end we got a CD and DVD plus some printed copies to share with families and friends! John also recorded the entire session with our camera so we can see/hear both our reactions. My Dad said it was a good idea that we did that because we'll be able to share this with Baby H when he gets a little older! So far, four people have said that the baby looks like me and I must agree, he's as cute as a button! He definitely has his daddy's nose and my lips! Lol! 

After the Ultrasound session we had, we hung out in the area for a bit before heading home. We decided to get started on putting up our Christmas tree and some indoor holiday decorations since I know it'll be a little hectic in the coming weeks, and I wanted to take advantage of John's days off! Normally, we wait til after Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't wait to get the house decorated so we can get in the holiday spirit!! We decided to stick with the same theme as last year.... Rustic and Chic. The dining area is more of a rustic and cozy lodge, and the living room has splashes of golds and whites with burlap. Of all the theme's we've had, this is my favorite, so I think were going to stick with this for a while! Another tradition we broke this year was listening to Holiday songs while putting the tree up! Instead, we had a Star Wars marathon since I have yet to watch all the movies and the new one is coming out soon and John refuses to let me watch the new one without seeing them all! Since he's been supportive throughout this whole thing, I agreed! How did I not watch them sooner!? Lol!!

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