34 Weeks - Holiday Maternity Session!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Its that time of the year again... Holiday pictures! Even though we had maternity pictures done recently and totally loved them and have printed some out already, we couldn't skip out on doing holiday pictures. It has been a tradition of ours to take our own holiday portraits since getting married. How do we take it? Simple. We haul our camera bag with our gears and a tripod & remote. John does all the framing and focusing and I just sit there and wait for him to get in the picture. 99.9% of the time we get at-least 10 pictures that we really like.... Thats more than good enough for holiday cards! ;] 


We almost missed the good lighting cuz John went back to bed after our doctors appointment. Poor guy got home at 8am, and he decided to join me at my appointment instead of sleep. So when we got back I told him to go back to bed. He didn't end up waking up til 3:20, and the sun sets at 4:55! We had to rush out at 4, which gave us about 25 minutes of good lighting. Luckily, his camera does really well in low light!


We headed to Adam Thoroughgood House. This location has easily and quickly become a favorite of mine: 1. Its beautiful. 2. Hardly any other photographers are there when I've gone. 3. Even though it's such a small little area, there are a lot of spots you can be creative with. John has never been here, so when he got there he was amazed at how gorgeous of a scenery it was. I had already planned out the spots to make things quicker for us. So it was literally, take a couple shots, then move on to the next. By the time we got to our last spot, we had about 5 minutes left before the sun officially disappeared. But by looking at the photos, you would have never known we were losing light! He took the pictures, I edited. Thats how it normally works with us, unless he has time to sit and help me edit. Otherwise, I do most of the editing. Plus our editing styles, actually our styles alone are two different ones, and most of the time you can tell. We have to learn to find the balance so we don't get any inconsistency. Lol!

Untitled Untitled

This was the last spot we did and the other photographer that was there had already packed up and left, and we were still trying to get some poses in! I was watching the sun disappear but John was confident that we were gonna get good ones! I shouldn't ever doubt his abilities, cuz these were some of my favorite ones! The bloopers to these are hilarious though! He first did solos of me, and as I was posing, a big 'ol bee came and landed on the fence 3 inch away from where I was leaning! Of course I freaked out! John caught it on camera. I'll post it some day. Haha! Oh! And I totally just noticed he wasn't wearing his actual wedding ring but his Qalo ring instead! *rolls eyes* Oh well! 

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After this session was over, it made me sad to think that this was going to be our last maternity session before this baby gets here! I had one last dress left that I couldn't go to waste since none of my clients put it to use! Im sure it'll get some lovin' once we start accepting sessions again next year. The top part of the dress is the Hilary Crop Top by Sew Trendy Accessories that I was able to grab during the RTS sale they had, and the skirt part I made to match it [for anyone of my fellow pregnant mamas out there who are curious! Sew Trendy has some amazing dresses!!!]

But anyway, I really am going to miss this big belly of mine even though sometimes I feel so unattractive. When my belly started to get bigger, I started to feel less attractive and John has been amazing at reminding me just how beautiful I am, to be carrying this beautiful little life inside of me. I have to remind myself that the weight gain is all a part of it. I have gained 25 lbs so far with about 5 week (give or take) left. I guess I'm right on track on the weigh gain department. My doc did say that with my small frame, I should gain between 25-30 lbs. 

It has been 3 weeks since I did a "bump chronicle" update! That bump up there is at 34weeks and 3 days. I'm kind sad I've missed three whole weeks! I've just been caught up with a lot of things that by the end of the night blogging is the last thing on my mind and I just crawl straight to bed. Plus John's recent schedule changes has gotten me on a weird funk!! So now with the shower over, and our photography sessions coming to an end, I'm back. I will recap in one post sometime later this week. 


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